Dieng Olivia
2 min readNov 17, 2020

Dress Right to Create A Mesmerizing Impression in 7 Seconds

Have a party to attend? Want to look your fashionable best and turn all heads around? If so, all you need is the right and impressive outfit to create a startling impression over your friends. Want to become a bonafide diva and a true blue fashionista who is able to make heads turn with the stylish avatar? If so, all you need is a little help and tips to rock any event or occasion. Here are some tips from famous designer Dieng Olivia that will help you to shine bright like a diamond.

Dieng Olivia
  • For the job interview: If you are applying for a job interview, be ready to flaunt your style to create a lasting first impression. Buttoned up shirt and a pantsuit should be your first choice. A nicely fitted suit projects professionalism and suggests that you know your stuff well even before saying anything. And, even if you stumbled on a question or two, a polished appearance will give you the benefit of the doubt.
  • On the first date: Impress your date by looking your fashionable best at the first date. You can show up in a bespoke suit or a glamorous bodycon dress. Make sure whatever you wear doesn’t look over the top and at the same time make you look authentic. Grab a selection of your favourite outfits, your favourite accessories and the things you love.
  • Office party: According to fashion designer Dieng Olivia, there are certain things you need to keep in mind when dressing for the office party. If you don’t want to commit any faux fashion pass, wear something unique yet not something that looks over the top. A little black dress can be your savior. Team it with nude footwear and elegant jewelry.
Dieng Olivia

Dieng Olivia, a well-reputed fashion designer working in France, is known throughout the fashion industry for her path-breaking designs. https://bit.ly/2YIoqFE