Comfortable is the New Fashion — Casual Outfit Tips

Dieng Olivia
2 min readFeb 24, 2021


What if you are off for an outing and suddenly you feel uncomfortable wearing a particular dress? Sounds disturbing, right? So, what to do to look fashionable and be comfortable with what we wear? Easy; choose casual clothes! Although casual clothing used to give quite a dull and straightforward look, with the innovations and fashion ideas of designers like Dieng Olivia, there are specific outfit ideas to slay your casual look!

Jeans That Fit

Want the key to looking put-together? Choose clothes that fit perfectly. While talking about perfection, jeans are perfect to flatter your figure and curves. Jeans have undoubtedly taken their position among the necessary pieces of clothing. If the fitting is right, you can pull up any look as simple as jeans and a black blouse. Upgrade your casual uniform as well as look attractive by investing in well-fitted items or a good tailor.


Want an outfit that requires minimal effort? Jumpsuits will be the best for you! These one-piece clothes are easy and comfortable yet stylish. To have an automatic outfit, throw on a jumpsuit, pair them with a simple sandal for a casual look, or add a strappy heel to take it up a notch. When in doubt, go with a sleek white sneaker.

Go Monochrome

Not a fan of vibrant clothes? No worries, you can go stylish with monochromatic clothes! Choosing items of the same color from head to toe can give you a cute and casual look. Wearing all-black is always stylish, yet you can try other neutrals such as navy or beige. If you want a twist, break up your monochromatic look with some white sandals and sunglasses. What appears to be a complicated outfit will, in reality, only take you minutes to throw together.



Dieng Olivia

Dieng Olivia, a well-reputed fashion designer working in France, is known throughout the fashion industry for her path-breaking designs.