4 Expert Tips to Ensure You Always Look Stylish

Dieng Olivia
2 min readDec 10, 2020


Fashion can’t be served as a “one-size-fits-all” as everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. The year 2020 has been unusual in a lot of ways. Even if you live in your loungewear or have been online shopping more than ever before, the fashion trends are witnessing many drastic changes and upgrades. However, one positive thing that came out of this year of ‘home-locked’ that we have got opportunities of getting our wardrobes in order.

Dieng Olivia

From keeping the old clothes that you never wear to your impulse-buy-sale-pieces that don’t have the purpose of more than one-time-wear — we all feel guilty about our insensible shopping decision. But, it doesn’t have to that way.

Here are some ways that are suggested by the famous fashion designer Dieng Olivia that will keep you stylish without flooding your wardrobe:

1. Work your Capsule Wardrobe:

While it is tempting to buy exotic pieces that nobody owns, it is essential to keep your wardrobe sorted to avoid the early morning confusion. Therefore, it is best to keep ‘the basics’ in your wardrobes, such as a little black dress, a pair of jeans that perfectly fit a classic blazer, simple-plain T-shirts, and neutrals button-downs, and an effortless leather/denim jacket. If you invest in a capsule wardrobe, you can mix and match and get rid of the morning troubles of deciding what to wear.

2. Make Sure the Clothes Fit you Perfectly:

If there were a trick that would make your styling easy, then it would make every fashion-enthusiast life easy! And the solution to this is to buy clothes that fit you perfectly and offer comfort. Another way is to get your clothes altered or tailored. So, while you build up a capsule wardrobe, you can start to play with clothes that will make you look utterly fashionable.

3. Learn the Art of Balance Proportions

Style is a developed skill, and this skill will help you balance your proportions to create an overall aesthetic harmony. For this, you need to find clothes that go well with your body type. The art of balancing proportions will let you pair oversized clothes and tight clothes to bring about a stylish ensemble.

4. Find your Personal Style:

While you may find it easy to follow some fashionista or fashion influencer’s footsteps, but there are chances that it might not suit your body type. Therefore, there’s nothing sexier than to find your style. Don’t let your wardrobe be defined with ‘menswear’ or ‘womenswear’; it’s time to be playful with your creativity.



Dieng Olivia

Dieng Olivia, a well-reputed fashion designer working in France, is known throughout the fashion industry for her path-breaking designs. https://bit.ly/2YIoqFE